Saturday, May 12, 2012

Module 4 Blog -
I am now in panic mode because my presentation is Thursday, May 17.  I had to do it early because school is out soon and it was the only time everyone I needed was available.  So!!!! Help!!!!!  I am hoping I am okay and am on track.  I have never second guessed myself so much in my life.  My plan is to hold the presentation at the elementary school where the teachers, administrators, and parents are comfortable.  I have a PowerPoint about the importance of literacy and my goals and strategies.  I will serve a snack, show and read my PowerPoint and elicit feedback.  Do you think these are good feedback questions:?  žWhat suggestions do you have to improve this advocacy plan?
žIs there anyone other than those in this meeting that you think would be a good advocate for this plan? žWhat do you feel is the strong point of this plan?
žWhat do you feel is the weak point of this plan?
žDo you think the goals support the plan?
Can you give me other suggestions for feedback questions?  If you want to give me feedback on my PowerPoint, I can send it to you.  I found I got most of my information for my presentation from the research paper I did last semester.  All that work paid off.  Is that what you used or did you find other sources more useful?  Good luck to everyone, Wendy


  1. Hey Wendy! I also had to do my presentation early, but I am sure it went fine for you. Did you have a reading specialist present or was that even an option. I also used all the information from my paper. I felt it was a waste of A LOT of time to not use it and look for more info. I only had five points taken off, so I know the paper was well researched. How do you think the presentation went and what does your feed back entail.

  2. Hi Betheny,
    I am struggling for the first time in my three years with Kendall College. I was on the right track and then got lost. I am waiting for my module 3 application to be graded so I can see if I will need to do my presentation over. My daughter is getting married June 2, we leave on vacation, and when we return my husband is going in for spinal surgery. By that time, class will be on its last week and I won't have any time to fix anything.
    I used information from my research paper which I did well on. Until this class, I had a 4.0 and felt I had a grasp of the materials. I have never been so unsure of myself and can't wait for my module 3 to be graded.
    For my presentation I used a PowerPoint and it went great. I had a group of people who really know families and their issues. They know what the school currently does to draw parents in and they know what has been tried and failed. I got great feedback and everybody thought the presentation was informative and had goals that could be accomplished. If I did well on application 3, I am good to go!!!! If not, I don't know what I will do.

  3. Wendy,

    Your second feedback question states “Is there anyone other than those in this meeting that you think would be a good advocate for this plan?” and could be worded slightly differently (Wendy). I personally think that this question could be worded differently to say “Should we include any other stakeholders and key audiences as helpful in our goals for advocacy?” This is just a suggestion, but it might help to approach those that are in attendance for their feedback in this manner. Another feedback question that might be helpful is to ask those attending, “Are there any suggestions to create a more effective plan of advocacy?” I understand that you have most likely already completed your presentation, but if you are still in need of any feedback on your PowerPoint please feel free to email it to me.


  4. Hi Summer,
    I have done my presentation but still appreciate your input, because as you know, we have to make improvements for the final assignment. The group I presented to did make many great suggestions for specific people who could help support the plan and help it move forward. It was a really good presentation and the group was very helpful and supportive. Have you done you presentation yet? If so, how did it go. Thank you for your suggestions, they are really appreciated.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wendy, I am glad to hear you used your research paper. I was going to use most of that data also. I got a 92 on that paper and so I know I did enough research. I am nervous about getting the presentation correct. At this point I am just hoping to do ok. I am so close to graduation and we are finalizing our summer plan for the children since we will have school age at the day care from 8-6 each day, we need everything planned out. I keep thinking I need more time, but that is not happening. The deadlines loom. My calendar is all marked up with work, school and committe deadlines. I am now looking forward to Labor day, a few days of not having to work ten hour days, no school and quiet.

  7. One more question, did you receive any negative comments on your presention? How did you incorportate them in to your project?

    1. Hi Rita,
      I didn't receive any negative comments on my presentation. Everyone supported my plan and thought that the goals can be accomplished. They recommended other people who we could ask to get involved and also some good recommendations about other literacy related ideas. One suggestion was that we if the parent and child come to the literacy night, the child will get a coupon for one night of excused homework. They thought an incentive might help get parents through the door and seeing the students would be reading at the literacy night event, they had essentially done their homework. It was a great group of people but I still don't know if it is what the professor is looking for. It will soon be over and I will have accomplished my three year journey with Kendall College. If I don't talk with you again before the class is over, I want to wish you the best of luck in the future and thank you for all of your support. Take a vacation after the class is over - you deserve it! Wendy
